Products & Services


Currently, we have one product, our world-famous Gross Margin Pricing Calculator for Woo Commerce WordPress Plugin. 

You can get it for FREE by filling the form.

We will add more products shortly. 

We have more calculators that would assist you in managing effectively your business.  We simply need to turn them into plugins.

If you would like to see a particular plugin or feature added, contact us.

In the meantime, we feel to use it, and let us know what you think.


People Discussing the Services


We offer many services.

We specialize in KPI or VPKIs as we like to call them.  VKPI stands for Very Important Key Performance Indicator.

We can work together to establish them, monitor them and create reports, or we can do it all for you.

We have a knack to troubleshoot problems.  We love figuring out THE root cause and finding THE solution.

We can help you in growing your business!